Saturday, December 31, 2005

okie last day of the year ... this is probably a good time to get started on that resolution list , the trouble with me though is that 2 weeks into january , i cant remember a thing i resolvedto do or i just get too damned lazy! im still the eternal optimist though and i shall not give up ! so here goes again ...

* stop chickening out of auditions!

* take out more time to read

* resume my NGO work

* check the short fuse on my temper!

* master my guitar

* save money(really this time!) and add it to the fund for 'my manual camera'- contributions are welcome!

by the way happy new year folks!

Thursday, December 29, 2005

the fog. coffee. a thick razai. 'jeera vellam'..... god i miss the winters in delhi. and its this pseudo- winter here in bombay that gets me thinking about it. sure its hell, when your winter nights( in del) are spent trying to multi-task.. keep yourself warm , study and keep awake especially worse when everyone else is tucked tight under razais.
i miss the bitting wind on early mornings that make you hate mondays even more, i miss the luke warm afternoon sun and steaming cups of tea and coffee that we used to literally live on!
i miss the afternoons i spent as a child with my brother and grandmom ... munching 'chikki' after lunch and soaking up the sun..
im doing good otherwise.... though a ticket to delhi right now wouldnt hurt!