Sunday, January 15, 2006


there are those small, seemingly unimportant moments in life that go a long way in making up the good life, that hit you maybe a day or weeks later and make you smile ...sometimes its what happens thats important , at times the person you are with ...
i just had a whole bunch of them over the past few days!

early morning coffee in the foyer.. sitting on the bench.. basking in 9am sunshine .. the type that creeps up your back slowly ..spreading over like a hug!...and the conversation that goes with it ... choking with laughter over yesterdays seinfeld episode or just random talks over why economics is dry to some( me!) and not to others...

lit class .. the best thing that ever happened to me .. ever since i moved ..Shef.. on the top of the platform ...with her crinkly smile that makes her eyes disappear under folds of skin.. Shef in her read-aloud voice... emoting so well that she actually makes you laugh aloud ...Shef with her ...'Plath was screwed in the head!'....

goofing around in planet M outlets with friends ... listening to a single track over and over and over...... again! closing your eyes to escape ... letting the music fill you .. the rhythm reach right upto your toes .. and let that tingling take over and there you go... tap- tap .. on 'ding-a-ding-a-ding!'...........checking out prices of Cd collections that you know you will never be able to afford for another 5 years! ... silently cursing the damned fool who bought of that nirvana collection .. that you believed was earmarked for you!
....doing marlon brado imitations ..( muffled voice , hand on cheek al)... in hindi!!!

..long bus rides at night that are not tiresome becoz they are spent explaining to your bro why socialism is still important and why ayn rand sucks! (although u still havent read her..!)

... and more coffee and conversation ...
aaah!....the good life!

ps- note to the only two readers of this blog i knw! .... its 1 am im too damn tired to run a spell check ... so if there are more spelling errors .. do what you did last time .. and whisper them in my ear during class! :)


Blogger Arun said...

hope even a small comment like this make you happy

10:26 pm  
Blogger nair said...

yes it does ! considerin ure the first one ever.. besides my pals whose comments are usually recieved verbally durin borin lecs!

12:35 am  

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